
Make an ALL ABOUT ME! Book

What You Need:

  • Construction paper
  • Pencil
  • Crayons, markers, or other art supplies


What You Do:

  1. Most great artists have attempted at least one self-portrait. Let your child take up the torch! On construction paper or any paper they'd like, have them illustrate a picture of themselves. Let them know it should be as detailed as they can make it.
  2. Discuss the completed picture, asking questions related to the five senses. For example, “What color are your eyes?” or “How many ears do you have?” or “What part of your body do you smell with?” 
  3. Now have your child tell you about themselves.  Remind them to include details from the picture and use their five senses in the description.  For each of the five senses, ask them to write down a few phrases. If they're a more beginner writer, they can use the following sentences as a guide and fill in the blanks, or they can create their own sentences from scratch. Each sense should get its own page so that you’ll have 6 total pages in the end.


I love to look at _____.

____ smells delicious to me. ____ does not. 

If I could listen to anything in the world, it would be _____.

Touching _____ makes me feel _____.

The best tastes on the planet are _____, ______, and ______.


Writing done? Bind the book and get reading! And if you’re feeling industrious, laminate the masterpiece at your local copy store: you might be surprised ten years down the road to remember his favorite smells were mowed grass and dirty socks!

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