
Angel Tree Topper

What You Need:

  • Paper plate
  • Scissors
  • Construction paper (for skin and hair)
  • Glue stick
  • Mini stapler
  • Metallic pipe cleaner
  • Markers

What You Do:

  1. Have your child cut a paper plate in half and curve it in on itself to create a cone-shape. Help her staple the cone shape in place. The cone will serve as the angel's body. Cut off any excess paper that overlaps.
  2. Encourage her to cut out two triangles from the remaining plate for her angel's wings and staple them in place.
  3. Ask her to cut out an oval shape from the paper color that most resembles skin. Then, cut out and attach hair to the oval. Help her glue the head onto the top of the angel's body.
  4. Cut a small piece of pipe cleaner and ask her to bend it into a "U" shape. Have her to glue it behind the hair to create a halo.
  5. Help place the angel tree topper on the very top of the tree to watch over your home throughout the holidays!

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