
Tree Texture

What You Need:

  • White and green construction paper
  • Glue stick
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Metallic pipe cleaner
  • Texture items such as: glitter, buttons, pipe cleaners, sequins, poms, glitter glue, acrylic gems, beads
  • Mini stapler
  • Low-temperature glue gun, with parental supervision

What You Do:

  1. Place a sheet of paper for the background of the tree in a vertical, or portrait orientation.
  2. Ask your child to measure and cut out strips of green paper 1.5" wide by at least 6" long. 
  3. Have him coil one strip at a time to create a total of 6 circles that will make up the Christmas tree. Make sure they'll fit on the background paper. Also, don't forget to leave room for the star at the top of the tree and the trunk at the bottom. The diameter of each of our circles was roughly 2".
  4. Encourage him to create a trunk for the tree out of construction paper, cut it out and glue it in place.
  5. Help him glue down the circles with a low-temperature glue gun, hence forming the structure of the tree.
  6. Fold a metallic pipe cleaner into a star and glue it at the top of the tree.
  7. Have him fill one circle at a time with a different textured item. For example, the first circle could be all acrylic gems, while the next contains only pipe cleaners. Glue them in place.
  8. Ask him to explain what texture each circle contains.

Helpful Hint:

To create a card, start with the background paper folded in half and make the circles smaller. They would be cut about 1" in width with a diameter of about 1".

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