
Halloween Rock Painting

What You Need:

  • Washable paints (white, black, and colors)
  • Paintbrushes
  • Rocks (varying sizes)
  • Small bowl of soapy water
  • Towel


What You Do:

  1. Wash the rocks in the soapy water, making sure to remove all dirt. Pat dry with the towel.
  2. Paint each rock all over using one solid color (you may need to use more than one coat to fully cover each rock).  
  3. Place rocks on a windowsill or in the sun to fully dry.
  4. Paint details onto your rocks to make them into monsters, pumpkins, or other spooky creatures!
  5. Encourage your child to sort the rocks by color or shape, make a pattern, and then have them count the rocks while lining them up. This is a great way to practice foundational math skills.

Use the same directions above and have your child experiment with different colors of paint, adding glitter or googly eyes to make 3D designs. Use the rocks to decorate your house or classroom for Halloween! And when Halloween is over, keep the fun going by decorating rocks with other holiday themes!

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