
Make a Love and Kisses Jar

What You Need:

  • Assorted chocolate kisses and hearts
  • Pink, white and red construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Gold, silver, red or black pens
  • Clean, empty jars
  • Red or pink ribbons

What You Do:

  1. Cut small hearts, strips, and other shapes out of the paper, using all different colors.
  2. If your child can write, have him write loving sayings on the paper. If not, he can dictate to you. Encourage him to be specific to the intended recipient: “Grandma, I love you because you’re funny.” “Daddy, you make the best pancakes ever.”
  3. Toss the sayings with the chocolates and layer them in a jar.
  4. Put on the lid, tighten, and top with ribbon tied in a pretty bow.

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