
Tell an Edible Story

What You Need:

  • Jello
  • Cookie sheets (about an inch deep)
  • Cookie cutters
  • Platters

What You Do:

  1. Make several batches of different colors of Jello on separate cookie sheets and let cool in the refrigerator. Have the kids help stir the Jello.
  2. After gathering all the cookie cutters in your house (feel free to mix Christmas ones with Easter ones, whatever you have), have the kids choose which ones they want to use for their story.
  3. Give each child a platter (or a clean plastic place mat) to put his or her Jello shapes onto. Have them press their chosen cookie cutters into the Jello. After they have collected all the shapes, have them arrange them on their mat or platter.
  4. Get ready to hear a story! When they're done, it's gobble time. Let everyone have a turn and save the leftovers to go at it again on another day.

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