
Valentine Haiku

What You Need:

  • Notebook or several sheets of paper
  • Pencil

What You Do:

  1. Begin this activity by having your child brainstorm a list of things that have to do with Valentine’s Day (hearts, cards, love, candy, etc.).
  2. After completing this brainstorming activity, review with the haiku format. Haiku has three lines, one right after the other. Each line has a certain number of syllables: the first line has five syllables, the second has seven, and the third has five. Inform your child that there are no firm rules regarding capitalization and punctuation in English haiku, and that their haiku lines don't have to be in complete sentences.
  3. Before your child begins writing a poem, you may want to review some simple syllable counting. 
  4. Next, have your child select a few items from the brainstorming list to include in their poem.
  5. Assist your child in counting the syllables to reach the total needed in each line. If it would help, you may want to write a haiku together before having your child write one independently. Here is one about candy:

Valentine candy

Fills my heart with joy and love

It's so yummy too!

Writing haiku is fun for all ages. Work together writing as a family and see who can write the best or the silliest haiku. Before you know it your little one will be a poetry master.

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