
DIY Photo Holder

What You Need:

  • Paper cup
  • Cardboard tube (toilet paper, paper towel, or wrapping paper)
  • Scissors
  • Paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Glue 
  • Decorations (ribbon, braid, rickrack, beads, sequins, etc)

What You Do:

  1. Help your child cut a section of the cardboard tube that's about 2 inches longer than the cup is tall.  
  2. Now slit one end of the tube to hold the photo. Cut both slits approximately ½ inch deep. Remember to slit both sides of the tube.
  3. Cut a circle in the bottom of the cup just big enough to insert the cardboard tube. Once you’ve made the cut, insert the tube and run a bead of glue around this join to help hold the tube in place.
  4. Once the glue has dried, paint the cup and tube. You can paint it all one color or use bands of color. Allow the paint to dry, then touch up any thin spots.
  5. As the paint dries, decide how to decorate your photo holder. You can add a band of ribbon or rickrack or make it sparkle with glitter, beads or sequins. Other options include stickers or pompoms. Let your imagination go wild!

Make a number of these holders to use as place markers at a birthday party, to display photos from a big event or to decorate your mantle. Vary the height of the tube to make an elaborate display more visually interesting.

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