
Make a School Notes Clip Magnet

What You Need:

  • Wooden clothespin
  • Acrylic paint in any color
  • 3” x 2” card stock
  • Magnet strip
  • Markers
  • Glue
  • Stickers
  • Scissors, regular or fancy
  • Optional: Foam

What You Do:

  1. Paint the clothespin. Let it dry.
  2. On card stock, cut out a rectangle 3" x 2". If you have fancy scissors, you can use those.
  3. Using markers, write “School Notes” onto the card stock. You can draw school pictures, add small stickers, or cut fun designs from colorful foamies. Be creative!
  4. Attach the card stock to the front of the clothespin with the glue.
  5. Cut two small strips of magnet and attach to the back of the clothespin.

When the glue dries, you can now hang your new school notes clip magnet on your refrigerator. Use this clip to hold your school’s menu, calendar, or other important notes. You'll never lose them again!

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