
Lace Corsage

What You Need:

  • Scraps of black lace or net
  • Black or green felt
  • Feather
  • Craft glue
  • Scissors
  • Large safety pin
  • Tissue paper
  • Cameo or vintage button

What You Do:

  1. Have your child draw a four leaf clover on the tissue paper. 
  2. Draw at least three more, each slightly larger than the one before. Help your child cut three or more leaf shapes out of the felt, large enough that they will show through the petals of the four leaf clover.
  3. Help your child pin the clover pattern to the lace. Rotate the clovers so that different patterns of lace show through.
  4. Assist your child in sewing the clovers together at their center. Add the leaves on the bottom by sewing the points of the leaf to the center of the bottom clover.
  5. Invite your child to carefully sew the feather to the front of the corsage.
  6. Help her sew a pretty button or cameo on the pin, so that it covers the feather stem.
  7. Finally, help your child sew a large safety pin to the back. The corsage is complete!

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