
Painted Wooden Eggs

What You Need:

  • 12 wooden craft eggs (these are available at most craft stores)
  • Acrylic craft paint in a variety of colors
  • Paint brush
  • White glue
  • Precision glue bottle (often sold with wood working supplies)
  • Ultrafine glitter

What You Do:

  1. Help your child paint the eggs. It may take more than one coat of paint to completely cover each egg. Make sure each egg is thoroughly covered.
  2. While the paint is drying, encourage your child to come up with the designs she plans to use. Eggs can be entirely covered with glitter, striped, spotted, or covered in a pattern of her own design. Encourage your child to get creative and be inspired by the spring time! Flowers, vines or Easter themes are a great place to start. She can draw out some of her designs on paper to use as a reference if she likes. This is also great way for her to practice her spatial and measurement skills.
  3. Once the paint is dry, fill the precision glue bottle with white glue. Your child can use this to draw her patterns on the eggs. When a portion of the design has been drawn, help your child sprinkle the glitter on the wet glue. You may need to do one side at a time and let each egg dry between applications so the designs don't smear. Not to worry. There are 11 more eggs to work on!
  4. Once you and your child are done decorating your beautiful eggs, set them aside to dry some place where they won't be disturbed. While the eggs dry, you and your child can look for a special bowl or plate in your home to put the eggs in. Put them on display center stage on your holiday table!

Everyone will be amazed at the beautiful results of this fun and easy holiday craft project.

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