
Make a Story with Magnetic Words

What You Need:

  • "Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss
  • Magnetic sheet with one blank side (found at craft stores)
  • Permanent markers
  • Magnetic surface (such as your refrigerator or a cookie sheet)
  • Scissors

What You Do:

  1. Have your child go through and make a list of each word that is used in Green Eggs and Ham. Instruct her to write each different word that is used only once. When she is done writing, there should be 50 words on her list.
  2. On the magnetic sheet, help her write out the 50 words using permanent marker. She can either write the words in all capitals or in all lowercase. Leave enough space between each word so that they are easy to cut out.
  3. Have her carefully cut out all of the words as separate pieces.
  4. Ask her to place all of the words onto the magnetic surface.
  5. Challenge her to make a story using the words! If she wishes, you can also make a few more magnetic words, such as one with your child’s name on it, in order to personalize her set of words. Perhaps see if she can come home every day and spell out something about her day in magnets using the words of Dr. Seuss.

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