
Father's Day Collage

What You Need:

  • Cardstock (at least 11 x 14 or larger)
  • Markers
  • Scissors
  • Clear drying, non-toxic glue
  • Family Photos


What You Do:

  1. Choose your pictures. Select an array of family photos featuring dad. Look for moments from birthdays, holidays, or any other occasion.
  2. Help your child to write the letters D-A-D in thick bubble letters on the cardstock. Make the letters at least six inches tall and two to three inches wide a piece.
  3. Cut and arrange the photos to fit inside the letters. Lay them out in the letters. Compare this to putting together a puzzle.
  4. Glue the letters down to secure.

Jazz up the photo collage and add glitter, special stickers, or even words such as, “World’s best dad”, “Happy Father’s Day”, or “Love”.

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