
Alphabet Stamps

What You Need:

  • Foam alphabet letters
  • Baby food jars
  • Paint
  • Glue stick
  • Sheet of paper
  • Paper plate


What You Do:

  1. Sort through the foam letters and make sure you have one for every letter of the alphabet. Singing the ABC song is a great way to remember any that you forgot!
  2. Ask your child to glue the foam alphabet stickers to the bottom of the jars with a glue stick, making sure to glue them backwards so they face the correct way when stamped.
  3. Let the glue dry.
  4. Squeeze some paint onto a paper plate.
  5. Have your child press the alphabet stamps into the paint, and press it straight down onto their sheet of paper. They can print their name, or a whole message this way.

For some added practice, talk to your child about the sounds that each letter makes, too!

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