Science project

Is it a Fruit or a Veggie?


  • Computer with internet access
  • Color printer
  • Digital camera
  • Assorted fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Magnifying glass
  • Microscope (optional)
  • Typical office/craft supplies (such as paper, pens & poster-board)


  1. Research related materials (see bibliography below)
  2. Select a number of different types of edible plants for study.
  3. Search, print, label, and categorize photos of the plants you’ve selected.
  4. Buy fresh fruits and vegetables at the market.
  5. Prepare each type of vegetable in several different ways – boiled, steamed, sautéed, raw, pre-frozen, etc.
  6. Examine each preparation with a magnifying glass (or a microscope if you have one) and record your observations.
  7. Run a taste test to determine the most popular preparation method.
  8. Interpret your results in a detailed report.
  9. Show results visually using photos taken throughout the course of the experiment.
  10. Include a platter of tasty fruit and vegetable samples in your science fair display.
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