Lesson Plan

Paying Attention with Animal Breaths

In this lesson, students will have fun, calm themselves down, and settle into the present moment through a fun activity called "animal breaths." This lesson also explores what it means to pay attention and be present.
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Students will have fun, calm themselves down, and settle into the present moment through a fun activity called "animal breaths."


Animal Breaths
  • Gather students into a circle either seated in chairs or on the floor.
  • Remind students of the raised attention signal and the talking piece from prevous lessons (Raised attention signal: Explain to students that when they see you raise your hand it’s a signal to stop whatever they are doing, raise their hand in the air and quietly look and listen to you. Talking Piece: Explain that when they gather in a circle to learn and discuss important things, they will use a talking piece. Whoever has the talking piece can speak, and they do this to make sure they don’t talk over anyone and listen to the person who is sharing).
  • Welcoming: Circle time always begins with everyone being welcomed into the circle. Model welcoming a student and then have each student welcome the student sitting next to them. Be sure to rotate who sits where so students introduce different classmates. Example: “Hello Jasmine, welcome to our circle!”
  • Optional: Create a new greeting every week. For example, using a small ball or bean bag, have students toss the object to each other once they greet another student, then the student with the object greets the next student, etc.
  • Once every student has been welcomed retrieve the talking piece.
  • Share that today they will be learning about a fun way to calm themselves and get present using something called "animal breaths."