
Bunny Box

What You Need:

  • White shoe box, or other small white box
  • Newspaper
  • Markers, black and pink
  • White pipe cleaners
  • White construction paper
  • Pink construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue

What You Do:

  1. Have your child spread the newspaper sheet out on a clean, flat surface.
  2. Next, help her fold the piece of white construction paper in half.
  3. Using the scissors, let her carefully cut out her best bunny ear shapes out of the construction paper.
  4. Have her fold the pink construction paper in half and cut out two shapes that are slightly smaller than the white ear shape. These shapes will be the inside of the bunny ears.
  5. Have her glue the pink shapes onto the white ear shapes to finish the bunny ears.
  6. Next, using the markers, have her draw her best bunny face on one half of the box. The face should be oriented so the bunny mouth in positioned toward the bottom of one end of the box and the eyes should be located above it. Encourage her to get creative.
  7. Have her cut up the pipe cleaner so she has 4 or 6 pieces of the same size.
  8. Encourage her to glue the pieces down so they resemble a bunny's whiskers.
  9. While the whiskers are drying, help her very carefully place two drops of glue over the bunny face that she drew.
  10. Help her press the bunny ears down so they stick out over the sides of the box.
  11. Allow the glue to dry completely.
  12. Then, have her place the top of the box onto the bottom part.

Have you child look around for items to store in her new bunny box!

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