
Cruise Ship: A Pool Relay

What You Need:

  • Little plastic toys, such as toy soldiers
  • At least four kids in the pool

What You Do:

  1. Search your house for some plastic toys. Toy soldiers work very well!

  2. Pick a starting line and a finish line in the pool. If you're a family of older children who are strong swimmers, make it a longer course. If you're family has many younger children, make it across the shortest length in the shallow end.

  3. Divide players into two teams, and have each team pick one player to be their captain. The rest of the players will be the "cruise ships" floating back and fourth across the pool on their stomachs or backs.

  4. Give each team the same number of plastic toys to be the "passengers" on the cruise ships. Team members will transport the passengers from one end of the pool to the other carrying them on their backs or stomachs. Try to keep as many passengers on the cruise ship as possible!

  5. The team that gets the most passengers to the finish line wins. You can also play this as "Cargo Ship". Have players transport other objects, such as balls or pennies, instead of passengers. It's a great way to add some extra fun to your next pool day!

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