
Autumn Sketchbook

What You Need:

  • Cardboard (this can be a reused box such as a cereal box or packing box)
  • Paper (try a white drawing paper, or reuse backs of light-colored flyers)
  • Pencil (regular and colored)
  • Stapler
  • Glue
  • Fall nature specimens

What You Do:

  1. Find a suitable piece of cardboard that is large enough to fold into a book shape with a front and back cover. If one piece is too short, you may use two pieces together as the front and back. Your child can help you find the cardboard and fold the cover.
  2. Have your child place several sheets of drawing paper inside the cardboard cover. Align the paper with the left side.
  3. Staple the book together on the left side. This step should be done by an adult.
  4. Take your child outside and go on a nature specimen field trip. Encourage them to choose fall themed items such as fallen leaves, twigs or acorns. Try to steer clear of picking live plants or leaves that are still attached to a tree.
  5. Once you and your child have collected your fall specimens, ask your child to glue the items onto the cover of the sketchbook. This is their chance to make a beautiful collage of all of the natural materials they have collected and design the cover to the sketchbook however they like. 
  6. Set aside to dry.
  7. Once dry, give your child their sketchbook and some colored pencils and let them go to town! Encourage your child to go outdoors and observe what they see and watch as they sketch the colorful fall scenery!

Extend sketching activities throughout the entire year. Make a book for each season that can be filled with fantastic imagery as the weather changes. Once all four have been created, ask your child to compare and contrast what they have drawn.

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