
What is Your Dream?

What You Need:

  • Construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Markers
  • Magnetic sheets (found at a craft supply store)
  • Sheet of paper

What You Do:

  1. Have your child take a moment and think about what they want to "be" when they grow up and how they hope to be living. Ask them to imagine what type of achievements they hope to have accomplished. Do they hope to go to a particular school? Play in a certain sports tournament? Encourage them to create a list of all of the goals and dreams most important to them.
  2. Help them cut out small "thought bubble"-shaped clouds from the construction paper; remind them that they will want to cut out one bubble for each goal that they have written out. They can make the clouds out of white paper or cut them out paper of each color of the rainbow; the choice is theirs!
  3. Once your child has cut out one cloud for each goal, ask them to articulate a few of their dreams. Take over and write one on each cloud.
  4. Help them to carefully cut strips off of the magnetic sheets. These are usually self-adhesive on the back, so they will just need to peel off the paper backing and stick one to the back of each cloud.
  5. Once each bubble has a magnetic strip attached, allow your child to hang their goals up on the fridge and share their visions for the future with those passing by.

Invite your little one to change or add to their "dream clouds" as their plans and goals for the future develop over time.

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