Science project


Research Questions

  1. Why do some people hate rats?
  2. How are rats thought of in different parts of the world?
  3. What bothers people about the tail of a rat?
  4. How is the intelligence of rats measured and demonstrated?
  5. Do rats make good pets?  Why or why not?
  6. Why are live rats so often used in science experiments?

Experimental Procedure

  1. Research related materials (see bibliography below)
  2. Determine and explain why people are afraid of rats.
  3. Photograph your pet rat(s)
  4. Record the interesting things your rat can do. 
  5. Search, print and label photos of rats you find interesting.
  6. Identify and categorize different species of rats.
  7. List the ways in which rats are useful.
  8. Write a detailed report.
  9. Include live rats in your science fair display, along with cool rat photos.
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