
Write Mythological Mad Libs

What You Need:

  • Books on ancient Greek, Roman, or Egyptian mythology (an excellent reference for Greek mythology is D’Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths, available at most libraries)
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Computer
  • Printer

What You Do:

  1. Start by reviewing the gods of ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt with your child.
  2. Have her re-read some of her favorite myths, or read them aloud to you.
  3. Ask her to chose a favorite myth and write a summary of it. If she's having trouble chosing, some perennial favorites from Greek mythology are Echo and Narcissus, Orpheus and Eurydice, and The Birth of Athena. She can handwrite her summary if she likes, but It’s easiest to type the summaries on a computer.
  4. Go through her summary and replace at least one word per sentence with a blank line and indicate the appropriate part of speech next to the line in parentheses. If she typed the summary, delete the words and print it out. Otherwise you can simply erase the words.
  5. Now it's time to play! Ask her to choose a word for each part of speech and write them in the appropriate blanks.
  6. Once all the blanks are filled, have a good laugh as you read your new myth aloud!

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