
Craft a Simple Stick Sled

What You Need:

  • Reused cardboard box (cereal or cracker boxes will work well)
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Crayon, marker, or pencil
  • Popsicle or craft sticks
  • Hole punch
  • Yarn
  • Felt, fabric scraps, or foil
  • Paint and brushes (optional)

What You Do:

  1. Ask your child to draw a rectangle on the cardboard. This will be the base for the sled. Discuss size and scale. It may be helpful to use a small doll or action figure for reference.
  2. Help your child to cut out the rectangle.
  3. Punch two holes with the hole punch near the front of the rectangle. The yarn will go through these for the sled pull.
  4. Using glue, attach the popsicle or craft sticks to the cardboard rectangle in rows. As your child is gluing, ask them to count the number of sticks that it takes to fill the cardboard. Try not to glue over the holes.
  5. Help your child to feed the yarn through the holes. Tie the yarn in a knot.
  6. Have your child decorate the sled with felt, fabric, or foil that is glued on top
  7. Use paints in a variety of colors to add an extra special effect (optional)
  8. Place a doll or action figure on top, and watch as your child imagines a snowy adventure!

Although this activity results in a fun winter inspired play toy, it is not constructed from materials that will withstand the outdoor elements. This sled craft should be used indoors for pretend winter play, and not outside in the real snow.

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