
Plan a Father's Day Hike

What You Need:

  • Internet access
  • Printer and paper
  • Red pen
  • Measuring tape or ruler
  • Markers for decorating the map (optional)
  • Nuts, dried fruit, chocolate chips, or other ingredients for trail mix (optional)
  • Small reusable container (optional)

What You Do:

  1. Have your child look up Google Maps online, then search for your home by typing in your address.
  2. Switch to Satellite View to see your home and the surrounding terrain. Zoom in as needed.
  3. Print out the Satellite View of your home and the surrounding area. Take note of the scale in the lower left-hand corner of the map.
  4. Ask your child to use the red pen to draw a path on the map starting at your front door, trailing through the neighborhood and to nearby parks or woods, then looping around back home. Encourage your child to use markers to decorate the map and add local landmarks.
  5. Have your child use the map's scale to measure the length of the trail. They can do this by placing a string along the trail, measuring the length of the string, then comparing it to the scale. Have them write the total length of the trail on the map.
  6. Ask them to estimate how long they think it will take to walk the trail. Have them record their estimate on the map.
  7. On Father's Day, encourage your child to gift Dad the map and explain to him how they chose the trail and mapped out the hike.
  8. To prepare for the hike, check the weather report and dress accordingly. Put on good walking shoes and be mindful of the wildlife or other  possible hazards in your area. Consider wearing sunscreen and bug spray, and pack plenty of water.
  9. Make your own trail mix to take with you by mixing chocolate chips, nuts, dried fruit, or other items together in a reusable container.
  10. Have your child time the hike and compare the actual time to their estimate. Did they guess correctly?

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